William Christenberry

Vintage Kodak Brownies

January 23-March 13, 2010

William Christenberry: Vintage Kodak Brownies

William Christenberry: Vintage Kodak Brownies

William Christenberry's Kodak Brownie snapshots capture reality of South

February 14, 2010

Blake Gopnik, The Washington Post

"In the photos at Hemphill, you can almost feel the moment when Christenberry, on yet another trip home, spots a church or a Coke sign or a car that interests him, squares it up in his Brownie and snaps a record of it."

William Christenberry: Vintage Kodak Brownies

William Christenberry: Vintage Kodak Brownies

William Christenberry at Hemphill Fine Arts

February 5, 2010

Louis Jacobson, Washington City Paper

"Is there any visual artist whose work is shown more often in Washington galleries than William Christenberry’s? Probably not, yet seeing his 13-image exhibit at Hemphill Fine Arts, one has to admit his work usually merits another look."