Julie Wolfe

October 21 – November 25, 2020

In Wildfires and Dreamfields, Julie Wolfe both physically and figuratively deconstructs her own book published in 2019 to superimpose images that probe the power of the subconscious at a new level of intensity and unrest. This investigation depends on the “double exposure” of screen printing to reveal vivid, uncanny vignettes recalling our wildest dreams and our strangest visions. Wolfe honors the surreal cinema of our subconscious as an endless source of intrigue as we attempt to adapt and understand our collective existence.

Julie Wolfe is a multimedia artist whose work visualizes the diffuse, the immaterial, and the invisible. Wolfe’s intuitive artistic process develops an emergent language of form, probing the depths of collective consciousness while engaging individual viewers uniquely and subjectively. Her practice approaches impermanence, uncertainty, and tension (formal, political, or interpersonal) as tools rather than obstacles.